Hello and welcome to the Oathsworn website; home of some of the finest 1/56 scale 28mm fantasy miniatures available.
We've spent a lot of time lately working on our range of high quality anthropomorphic animal miniatures, complete with a set of skirmish game rules, called Burrows & Badgers. We launched the range via Kickstarter in 2015, and are planning regular expansions to the range.
We've also begun a range of 28mm role-playing miniatures; we've started it off with our Heroines in Sensible Shoes Kickstarter, and have several new sculpts underway already.
Oathsworn Miniatures is based in the North East of England, and was started in 2013 by professional sculptors Michael and Jo Lovejoy. Our first set of figures were launched through a Kickstarter campaign - and the support we received from our backers allowed us to begin production. We are now working to expand our ranges. Our aim is to add at least 30 new figures a year...
Manufactured in the UK by OATHSWORN, Unit 30, Flexspace Business Centre, Durham Way South, Newton Aycliffe Business Park, Co Durham, DL5 6ZF
Email: contact@oathsworn.net
GPSR Representative / Appointed Agent: Mike Wilson, 4 LD Le Vieux Tronc, 29690, Huelgoat
Email: hfgservices29@gmail.com